Our 3rd Major Update is Here!

Our 3rd Major Update is Here!

Today Weathercloud has been updated to version Beta, which is the 3rd major update since its launch two months ago. This release brings new graphs for wind speed and rain, increased social interaction between users, email notifications and several minor bug fixes for better overall performance.

We hope you like the new features and we would really appreciate any feedback on them. Also, feel free to suggest any ideas you might have to improve Weathercloud. Thanks!

New Graphs for Wind Speed and Rain

In order to provide more visual data, we’ve added 3 new charts to the Wind and Evolution tabs:

  • Wind distribution 24h: shows the frequency for each wind sector.
  • Average wind speed 24h: shows the average wind speed for each wind sector.
  • Rain: shows the daily total rainfall for the last month.

New Graphs for Wind Speed and Rain


Increased Social Interaction Between Users

We’ve introduced some changes to the user and device profiles for further fostering social interaction. This means that followers are no longer just a number, but visible lists of users. Likewise, now it’s also possible to view which devices a certain user manages, as well as the ones he’s following.

Increased Social Interaction Between Users


Email Notifications

The new email notifications allow us to inform you whenever different events related to your devices occur. Such events include:

  • Your device hasn’t yet been linked to Weathercloud.
  • Your device has stopped sending data to Weathercloud for a period of time.
  • Another user has started to follow your device.

These automatic emails are enabled by default and can be turned on and off at any time from the Settings page.

Email Notifications

Other minor bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue when unfollowing devices from the table ‘Devices you follow’.
  • Gauges are now better arranged to take up less vertical space.
  • Server enhancements for better performance.

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2 Responses

  1. Pika says:

    Hola. Seria necesario poder corregir errores de temperaturas extremas. También cambiaria los gráficos de temperaturas. Un saludo

  2. Weathercloud says:

    Hola Pika, muchas gracias por tu comentario, lo tendremos en cuenta para futuras actualizaciones.

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