Welcome Weather Display Users!

We’re excited to announce that Weathercloud is now also compatible with Weather Display!
This is one of the most significant updates so far, as it brings support for a wide range of weather stations from major manufacturers — including Ambient Weather, Campbell Scientific, La Crosse, Oregon Scientific, RainWise and WeatherHawk — via an add-on that’s already available for download. This update is also good news for those of you monitoring your Davis station through Weather Display.
During the nearly two months since our launch, we have received so many requests to make Weathercloud compatible with a larger number of weather stations. We hope the wait was worth it and that you find Weathercloud just as enjoyable as we do. We’d like to thank Brian Hamilton, author of Weather Display, for his kind cooperation.
You can check out our FAQ for detailed information about the different weather station models and link methods currently available.
I use WD and have entered the WeatherCloud ID on the WD input screen. It then asks for the Key (after registration). Where and how do I get this from please?
Hello Bob, you have to click on ‘Link’ in the dropdown menu of your device (the gear icon) and you’ll be provided with an ID and Key.
Thanks for nice job!
Where to put ID and KEY? I use WD v10.37R Build 81 and WD Companion Add On v1.9 and don’t find it…
Hello David, you have to run the Weather Display Companion Add On, then click on the ‘Weathercloud’ tab at the top of the window and finally paste the Weathercloud ID and Key in the proper fields.
Thanks for your reply, there is something I make wrong because I don’t get Weathercloud tab that appears screenshot here: http://hpics.li/6e599e1
David, the Weathercloud ID and Key must be entered in the Companion Add On program, not in the CronCloud. In version 1.9 you should see the ‘Weathercloud’ tab at the top of the window. Could you please provide a screenshot? Thanks!
Thanks for your help, I was in the wrong software, now I get it work :)
Great! Enjoy Weathercloud! :)
hello, trying to lonk weathercloud to my my station KWALOPEZ2. I use weathersnoop 3. I have a key and id from weathercloud. It does not copy and paste into the weathersnoop shariung tab. How do I get the key and id into ws 3?
Hello Richard, if you’re using the pre-flight version of WeatherSnoop 3, make sure that the box “Send my weather data to Weathercloud” is checked before pasting the ID and Key.
I’d like to add support for sending weather data from NoseyWX ( http://noseynick.net/wx/noseywx.html ) to weathercloud – it already acts as a gateway for data from a bunch of stations to APRS/CWOP/findu, wunderground, openweathermap, and I’m always looking to add more ingest and uplink APIs. Is your weathercloud API documented somewhere?
Thanks, NoseyNick
Many thanks for your proposal NoseyNick, you’ll receive all necessary documentation by email shortly.
Add Weatherdisplay
Hello Sylvester, Weather Display is already available. You’ll find the instructions to upload data via this software here: http://weathercloud.net/info/weatherdisplay
I am running the open source Meteo package with my Vantage Vue weather station. I currently upload to WUnderground and others, but would like to upload to Weathercloud as well. Would it be possible to get the API documentation so that I can create a script to upload the data?
Hello Fernando, you can write our Support team to request the API documentation. Thanks!
Can I also get the API Docs?
Hi Frank, please get in touch with our Support team to request the API documentation: https://weathercloud.net/site/about#contact Thank you!
I Also would like to get the API Docs (for private purpose). As I saw the above entries in this blog I thought this would be no problem. Unfortunately the Support team answered me that there is no API..
So I would like to know: Is the an API documentation – and is there a way for me to get it?
Hi Kerstin, we do have an API so you can upload data to the platform through your own weather solution, but we still do not have an API to capture data from the site. If you are interested in uploading data, please send us an email indicating the name of your solution and we will reply back to you with our API Docs. Thanks!
Ok, now I understand. Yes, I intend to download, not upload, so unfortunately your API does not help me. Thanks for the quick reply!
could you please share with me upload api documentation? I would like to add station using raspberry and domoticz solution eg. via http api script…
Thanks a lot.
Hi Krata, please contact our Support team for information about our API. Thank you!
Hi guys
I’ve just recently got my weather station back up and running. I’m uploading the data to your site here. Do you have an API script of the data I upload here, https://app.weathercloud.net/d2948079482#current that I can use for displaying on my own website?
Hi Michael, we currently do not have an API to extract data from Weathercloud. However, you can show the data on your site by using the free Weathercloud Sticker or the advanced data dashboard included in the Business plan, which displays all the weather variables reported by your station and the local forecast for the current day and the next 6 days on one screen.
hello, is there any chance to get data from a weatherstation in a rss, xml, or json format? Do you have any api or webservice? Many of us have more than one station in your site and we want to customize the presentation in our site so, an api is a good way to publish data in our style. Please answerme and forgive my english
Hi Nicko, we currently do not have an API to extract data from our site but it may be available in the future.
Hello I am looking for an API to share my weather station data in formats like json, XML, etc. Is it possible?
Hi prohu, we currently do not have an API to extract data from our site but it may be available in the future depending on demand.
That’s a pity, I’ve seen a lot of requests in this direction! Hope you will put this feature soon.
Please make this a feature. This is preventing me from purchasing your service.
I use Weathercloud and no problrm except location is incorrect. I went in my settings and clicked to update location but when I do that and save it does not change. How do I change location of my weather station?
Hi Stuart, please make sure you click on the Save button before leaving the page. Otherwise, the changes will not be saved.
My location refuses to move using setting pressing done and save
Hi Richard, to change the location of your station you need to click on the Get coordinates button, zoom to the exact location of your station and click on the Save button. If you already completed these steps without success, we suggest you try from a different Internet browser. Thanks.
Has there been any changes to provide an API that I can use to capture my PWS data back from your cloud yet?
Hi Josh, the API to retrieve data from Weathercloud is not yet available but we plan to release it in the short to medium term.
Hi, its been 6 months. Any chance we can get access to our own data back down from Weathercloud yet with an API?
Any news about the API to retrieve data from Weathercloud? Is it possible?
Hi Jordi, this feature may be available in the short to medium term.
Hello! Any news on the API to retrieve data from Weathercloud? I am very interested on the indoor data that I already publish on your web site! Thanks!
Hi Mirko, this feature may be available in the short to medium term.
Could you be a little more specific? Exactly a year ago you also said something about ‘short to medium term’. Are we talking about weeks, months or a year?
Just wondering, 2.5 years is “short to medium term” or not? Any news on the API?