Beta 4.8 Released!

Today we are happy to present Beta 4.8! Despite being a minor update, this version includes some new features, visual enhancements and bug fixes. Let’s take a look!
What’s New in Beta 4.8
- Added SSL (HTTPS) encryption for enhanced data protection throughout the whole site.
- Ability to disable your weather Sticker. It will automatically disappear from all external web pages until you enable it again.
- Evolution graphs are now compatible with the Davis Vantage Connect.
- Easier way to link a device via WeatherLink Network.
- Slight visual enhancements for the Sticker.
- Improved picture gallery to avoid cropping.
- The font has been stylized throughout the whole site for a more modern look.
- Evapotranspiration is now displayed next to solar radiation instead of rain for a better consistency.
- Solar radiation, UV index and evapotranspiration are now hidden instead of greyed out if no data is sent.
- Time of last update is now shown in red in the device page when not online, as in the map infoboxes.
- The sign up error messages have been translated into all supported languages.
- Updated the FAQ page with new information.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented present weather to be displayed when humidity is 100%.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the account activation email to be delivered to some users.
- Fixed an issue that prevented to create devices when altitude is below sea level.
- Fixed some graphical errors.
We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us by leaving a comment below or by email. Also, don’t forget to follow us on the social networks for the latest news on Weathercloud. Thanks for your continued support and enjoy Beta 4.8!
donde se compra o se baja
Hola Josep, la actualización es gratuita y no hace falta descargar ningún archivo. Las nuevas características y mejoras aparecerán automáticamente cuando accedas a Weathercloud.
Teniu previst crear alguna app (android/iphone) per veure els continguts sense haver d’accedir des del navegador web?
(De fet em pensava que hi hauria una app però he estat cercant i no l’he vist)
Hola Antoni, ja estem treballant en una app per iOS i Android. Tan aviat com hi hagi novetats al respecte us ho farem saber.
Why have you hidden your API. I want to add support to my software.
Where is your API????????????
Hi tmaster,
Please contact our Support team for information about our API:
Thank you!