Compatibility With WeatherSnoop 3!

Mac weather enthusiasts rejoice!
We’re so pleased to announce that Weathercloud is now compatible with WeatherSnoop 3, the newly launched version of one of the most popular weather software for Mac. WeatherSnoop provides you with a rich graphical representation of your weather data and is packed with management and sharing features.
This latest version of the program includes a new data sharing panel for Weathercloud, which allows you to start uploading your weather data to the network in a matter of seconds. Just enter the Weathercloud ID and Key provided for your device and you’re done!
We’d like to thank the team at Tee-Boy, developers of WeatherSnoop, for their kind cooperation.
In addition to this great news, we’ve also updated Weathercloud with a couple of new features and some minor enhancements:
New “Location” Tab
From today all device pages have a new “Location” tab, which provides a Google Maps view of the area where the device is situated. This feature is especially useful when accessing a device page from a link other than the Weathercloud Map.
New Twitter Badge
We’ve included a Twitter badge next to the name of your device to indicate whether it’s connected to this service or not. Remember that you can now have your weather data tweeted automatically via Weathercloud. To learn more about this new feature, you can check out our previous blog post here.
Other minor bug fixes and improvements:
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from changing the units of measurement in the new automatic tweets.
- Weathercloud ID and Key are now automatically provided right after creating a device.
- Weather Display now also sends data of THW index, rain rate and evapotranspiration.
- Created a social profile on VK.
- Updated the FAQ page.
No sé si seria possible, que les dades extremes anuals i mensuals d’abans de que el dipositiu funcionès es poguessin pujar, és a dir per exemple la temperatura mínima del gener o la pluja del febrer quan aquest dispositiu encara no existia que aquesta dada es poguès pujar.
Hola Jordi, ja estem treballant, entre d’altres coses, en una nova funcionalitat per poder pujar registres històrics i fer correccions a la base de dades. Anem tan de pressa com podem! :)
Moltes gràcies, ho dic perque aquesta aplicació em sembla la més completa que hi ha i si encara la podem millorar una miqueta més doncs serà molt millor.
Podria ser una cosa similar ala que utilitza per exemple l’aplicació weatherlink mobile que puja les dades extremes i històriques que les nostres consoles ténen registrades.
Gràcies Jordi, mirarem de fer-ho d’una manera que sigui el més senzilla possible per als usuaris.
Also compatible with the latest version of WeatherCat ( which I thought was the most widely used weather software for the Apple Macintosh. You should do a separate story on the evolution of WeatherCat, delve into the history of the software and its predecessor and incorporate an in-depth human interest segment on the popular developer.
Meine weathercloud daten werden trotz pro account nur eingeschränkt angezeigt.sobald Temperatur in minus bereich sinkt wird gar nichts mehr angezeigt
Hi Marc, we will check on this and get back to you as soon as possible.