Weathercloud Beta 8 Now Available

Weathercloud Beta 8 Now Available

Today we’re excited to announce the release of Beta 8!

Our latest version comes with some important new features to make Weathercloud even better, including map layers, the ability to upgrade to Pro and Business via in-app purchase, an improved API and several other minor enhancements and bug fixes. Read on to discover what’s new:

Map Layers

Beta 8 makes the Weathercloud Map much more useful and interesting than ever before, as you can now easily switch between up to 7 different layers, including devices (classic view), wind speed, temperature, humidity, rain, solar radiation and UV index, with the latter two also showing day and night zones in real time. You can also hover over the map to quickly compare current data from different stations.

In-App Upgrades

Thinking about upgrading to the Pro or Business plan? In Beta 8 the process is really simple and will just take you a couple minutes. All you need to do is choose the plan that best suits your needs, enter the number of devices you wish to upgrade and checkout. You no longer need to contact our Support team to upgrade.

Improved API

Our API for receiving data has been completely rewritten in order to enhance performance and to make it as stable as possible for better scalability in the future. If you are a developer, you don’t need to do any changes to your software or application.

Other minor enhancements and bug fixes

  • Added Show on Map button to the Devices page for quick access to both your devices and the devices you follow on the Map page.
  • Added online status indicator for the devices you follow.
  • Added Beaufort scale to the Business dashboard.
  • Replaced daily rainfall with the rain of the last 24 hours in the Business dashboard.
  • Added Pro Weather Link and Weather Tool to supported weather software.
  • Added new Fine Offset WT Series to supported devices.
  • Updated the instructions for sending data via WeatherLink Network.
  • Wind rose diagrams now display the message ‘Not enough data to display the graph’ instead of wrong data if there is no data of average wind speed and/or average wind direction.
  • Solved a bug in the Twitter feature that prevented the decimal of temperature from being displayed when it is zero.

We hope you enjoy the new features included in Beta 8 and we look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Thank you for your continued support and stay tuned for more to come!

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46 Responses

  1. Ed Beaman says:

    This is great except you do not tells us which plans get which new features and you do not tell us how to get this. There is no way that I can find that let me know which version of WC I am running? When will the IOS App be ready?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Ed, since Weathercloud is an online platform you’re always automatically using the latest version. The current version is indicated at the bottom right corner of the footer. The features that we add in each new version are available to everyone unless we indicate otherwise on our blog. You can check out our Plans page for detailed information about the features included in each plan.

  2. Vojtech Tlusty says:

    Hi there great effort, but can you let us know when iOS app and GooglePlay app wil be – finally – ready?? Thanks.

  3. Berry Smits says:

    Can I help you to test the andriod app as a beta tester?

  4. Björn Ehnberg says:

    Who is allowed to use your rest api in order to upload weather data to the WeatherCloud system? As my weather station is not on your list of supported brands I have developed a piece of software of my own, and I’m now using it sucessfully for uploading data to the UK MetOffice database. Is it possible to do the same thing within WeatherCloud? Where can I find dokumentation about the api?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Björn. Yes, you can use our API to upload your weather data to our platform through your own software. Please get in touch with our Support team for more details. Thanks!

      • Felix says:

        Hello Weathercloud Team,

        is it possible to use your API for an automatic download from weather station data nearby my home?

        Best regards

        • Weathercloud says:

          Hi Felix, we are sorry to inform you that we currently do not have an API to get data from the site.

          • Ricardo says:


            I have a station that uploads data to weathercloud “at the moment” I would like to download my own data through API will that be possible or shall I continuo using only wunderground to get my own data?

          • Weathercloud says:

            Hi Ricardo, we currently do not offer an API for data retrieval. However, you can export your historical data to CSV format from the Database page.

  5. Brian Kiely says:

    Your system is not sending me an email to get keys after I sign up, I am signed up, but I can’t move forward in the process. It is not in spam folder

  6. Collin says:

    Hi, In Beta8 the Evolution graph for wind direction is empty but the wind direction shows on the gauge display in Current although the average wind direction is grayed out. The same data displays correctly in Wunderground. Ideas?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Collin, the third-party desktop weather software or mobile app that you use to upload data to Weathercloud must to send average wind direction so that we can display the corresponding gauge and the graph for wind direction.

  7. tobyportugal says:

    How do I get stickers from stations that don’t belong to me? (for use by an amateur association) I need to take a PRO account? Thank you.

  8. Rick Fieldwick says:

    Hello, I am have a weathercloud account and have linked my Bresser station to your site. Your site gives me what I was looking for but I am not able to see my wind speed data on the site, I can see it on the station which I have linked but weathercloud does not show my wind s[eed. Can you help please?

  9. Franck says:

    Hi, is there a way to get access to the api to grab personnal registered weather station ?

  10. Fernando says:

    Hello! May I use the rest API to get data from any station? I have no device, so I can’t upload data, but I’m interested about the weather near home and this site is really nice and helpful. Is it possible? Thank you.

  11. Georgi says:

    When you plan to deploy API data access for the station owners? I need to put my current station data on my site (WordPress driven).. And will be glad to continue using Weathercloud instead of migrating to the other service.. Thanks in advance for reply…

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Georgi, the API to access data is in our plans and will be released as soon as possible. We move at our own pace to ensure that the growth of the network is sustainable.

  12. R. says:

    Hello guys, did you have a chance to develop API which allows to get access to personal registered weather station? I see previous comments that is was in your plan but I do not see this.

  13. Cristhian says:

    Estimados, tenemos 2 estaciones meteorológicas instaladas y con acceso a visualización en WeatherCloud, pero queremos llevar la información a un servidor interno también vía API ¿con quien me debo poner en contacto?


    • Weathercloud says:

      Hola Cristhian, lamentamos informaros de que actualmente no contamos con una API para obtener datos de la plataforma.

      • Cristhian says:

        No hay problema. Otra consulta, ¿en el futuro se espera que uno como cliente pueda acceder a la data vía API? (en nuestra empresa estamos tratando de reducir las plataformas de visualización a una sola y ayudaría a preferir las marcas que vayan en esa vía).

  14. Cristhian says:

    En el caso de WeatherLink, esa empresa tiene disponible una API para que sus clientes puedan acceder a su data (en caso de que lo necesiten), para llevarla y procesarla a un servidor distinto, por ejemplo, para las empresas que quieren innovar.

  15. YcoHome says:

    Hello, everyone,

    this is only one article with the API tag, here. So, let me ask you: How could I use the API for my meteo-station connected to this website? What is the address of the API subpage? And what is a proper syntax for it? Thank you.

  16. Do you have plans to develop and enable an API for retrieving sensor data?

  17. Chris says:

    The API has been mentioned for quite a few years, any ETA for when/if this is going to be available?

  18. Alex says:

    Existe la posibilidad de obtener datos de diferentes estaciones a través de alguna API?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hola Alex, actualmente no contamos con un API para el acceso a los datos. Sin embargo, Weathercloud te permite consultar los datos actuales en tiempo real y las gráficas de evolución de los últimos 30 días de cualquier dispositivo de la red.

  19. edjacques says:

    Where are the parameters for the weathercloud api located. In particular I am looking for a way to access a public weather station using the weathercloud api.

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