How to Post Your Weather Data on Twitter in 4 Easy Steps

How to Post your Weather Data on Twitter in 4 Easy Steps

Would you like to share the weather data from your device with all your followers? Weathercloud makes this quick and easy with a four-step process:

1. First, select Connect to Twitter in the drop-down menu (the gear icon) on your Devices page.

Connect to Twitter


2. Then choose how often do you want your weather data to be posted on Twitter and click on Authorize.



3. Now you will be redirected to Twitter, from where you need to authorize Weathercloud to post tweets on your behalf.



4. After authorizing, you’ll be returned to Weathercloud and the Twitter icon will be displayed next to your device name to indicate that the linking process is complete.

Twitter Icon


From this moment your followers will see your weather updates on their timeline!

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37 Responses

  1. Before I embark on this process is it possible to edit the data going out to Twitter so that it names our weather station and only posts certain data. Best advice please

    • Weathercloud says:

      Currently the content of the automatic Tweets cannot be edited, but this will be possible in a future version of the site. However, instead of Weather station, the name of your device will be displayed.

  2. well great maybe usuel facebook & google+ ? probably wordpress ?? and some web site ??

  3. Guy R Wilson says:

    When is the daily summary tweeted?

  4. Praveen says:

    Instead of average it would be better if the highs and low are shown for daily summary. Also can we customize the timing of the tweet? A tweet at midnight will get drowned in other tweets by morning.

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Praveen, thank you very much for your suggestions. We will consider them for a future update. Currently, the time at which the automatic tweets are posted is not configurable.

  5. Has the ability to edit the hourly conditions tweet yet? It’s been 3 years and I’m sure many of us are waiting for this feature upgrade. I know you might not want to just give this away, I would be okay with upgrading to the next membership level.

  6. Bunas tarde pregunto como puedo poner una estacion meterologica modelo DZ-WH2900 QUICIRA QUE ESTE EN LA RED
    por lo tanto tengo una estacion con ustedes atrves de un cervidor de meteo estar por lo tanto quiero esta es modelo nuebo con datos mas comleto por lo tanto espero respuesta
    Rolando Bruni Tornquist Argentina

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hola Rolando, puedes dar de alta tu nueva estación en Weathercloud utilizando alguno de los programas compatibles que aparecen en nuestra página de FAQ. Haciendo clic sobre el nombre de un programa podrás ver las instrucciones de enlace correspondientes. Si tu estación no figura en la lista de dispositivos compatibles, puedes seleccionar ‘Otro’ como tu modelo de estación o bien escoger el modelo equivalente de otro fabricante, ya que algunos equipos se comercializan bajo distintos nombres. Un saludo.

  7. Buen dia yo no lo entindo como cargar nueba estacion esta la otra estacion esta registrada como observatoriometeorologico
    enesta ponerle estacon meterorologica tornquist 2

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hola Rolando, para cambiar el nombre de tu estación debes ir a la página Dispositivos y hacer clic en la opción Editar dispositivo que aparece en el menú desplegable Configuración. Una vez allí puedes editar el nombre de la estación. Un saludo.

  8. Jon Eyes says:

    I have two twitter accounts, one of which is dedicated to my weatherstation.
    Weathercloud has picked the wrong one – without asking me which account i would use, or even prompting me to enter one….!
    So, how did it pick the Twitter account, and how do i point it at the right one?

  9. Enrique says:

    hola existe alguna manera de conectar weathercloud con una pagina de facebook ?

  10. Enrique says:

    hola, existe alguna manera de conectar weathercloud con una pagina de facebook ?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hola Enrique, Weathercloud permite publicar los datos meteorológicos de forma automática en Twitter. Si dispones de una cuenta de Twitter, es posible que puedas vincularla a tu cuenta de Facebook para que los Tweets se publiquen en ambas redes.

  11. Matt says:

    How to set the automatic report in Twitter for basic accounts, as mentioned in the page ?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Matt, please follow the steps below to connect your station to Twitter:

      1) Go to the Account page and add your Twitter account.
      2) Go to the Devices page and click on Connect to Twitter in the Settings drop-down menu (the cog icon).
      3) Configure the automatic tweets based on your needs.

  12. Vipapi says:

    Hola, exise alguna forma para incluir “DEWPOINT” en el Twitter automatico ?

  13. Kevin says:

    Could you please remove the weather symbol in the tweets,It’s wildly inaccurate. I’m currently sat here under thick cloud and drizzle while the weather symbol is showing sunshine. It’s more often wrong than right and so serves no purpose.
    Thank you,

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Kevin, the nowcast is based on an algorithm that takes into account several weather variables reported by the station.

      Please make sure that you are sending the compensated pressure.

      If you prefer, you can disable the nowcast from the Twitter configuration window of Weathercloud.

  14. Nick Evetts says:

    Hi, Can we please have WOW, CWOP & Discord added as Devices and be able to send out updates every 5 mins?

  15. stefano says:

    it doesn’t work anymore, i unplugged and plugged back several times

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Stefano, we are saddened to share that the recent transition of the Twitter API to a paid model makes it impossible for us to keep offering automatic posting as part of our Basic plan. We are exploring options to include this feature on paid plans. Thank you for your understanding.

  16. Petr says:

    I connected my Tempest PWS station to your system yesterday, and I wanted to take advantage of the option to automatically publish my weather on Twitter (X).
    Do you include this functionality in the description of your free basic plan?
    My station shows in the overview that it is connected to Twitter (X), however it does not work.
    So how to proceed for a successful launch ? I don’t need any of the other benefits of the paid plans, I just need automatic publishing of weather to Twitter. Thank you.

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hi Petr, thank you for joining Weathercloud. Regrettably, due to X transitioning from a free API to a paid one, we had to discontinue offering free automatic posting to X for all Weathercloud users. We are currently exploring the possibility of including this feature into our paid plans.

      • Petr says:

        But unfortunately you announced that here almost a year ago (see the blog announcement last August), so I assumed the paid plans retained that functionality.

        So now posting to Twiter isn’t functional on paid plans either? Then this paid service (minimum of about 40EUR per year) is of no use to me…

        So can you tell me when it will be functional again?
        Personally, I am willing to pay the 30-40 EUR per year just for the Twitter functionality, I don’t need anything else.

        And finally, you should correct the plan offers on your site, in all of them ‘(including the free one) you list “automatic posting to Twitter”, this is unfortunately misleading information.

  17. SAMUEL says:

    Buenos días.
    Tengo conectada la cuenta para el envío automático cada hora.
    Sin embargo, no llegan.
    ¿Esta función no está disponible?

    • Weathercloud says:

      Hola Samuel, la publicación automática de los datos meteorológicos en X está deshabilitada desde que el uso de la API de X pasó de ser gratuito a tener un coste muy elevado. Estamos estudiando si es viable incluir esta funcionalidad en nuestros planes de pago. Lamentamos no poder seguir ofreciendo esta opción de forma gratuita para todos los usuarios de Weathercloud.

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